

CentralSquare Technologies was formed by the merger of four leading technology companies. Working with C-suite executives and the primary marketing leaders during this transition, I was the lead designer on all of the creative assets required of a complete corporate rebrand.

Given only a few months to transition all existing brand items to CentralSquare, I successfully coordinated updates to all office signage throughout six corporate offices across North America; transitioned more than 200 pieces of printed collateral; created corporate templates for slide presentations, business cards, and Word documents; project managed all digital properties; produced company “Who we are” video; and updated all video assets associated to CentralSquare. Additionally, I served as project lead on developing centralsquare.com and managed the vendor relationship with an external development agency. I also managed an in-house team of designers, developers and copywriters to produce all of the website content.


Print, Web, Video


Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Lightroom, Microsoft Office Suite, Final Cut Pro X, WordPress, Drupal


Location signage, brochures, flyers, folders, website properties, video content, trade show booth properties

Trusted Brands